April 11, 2023

Technical Asset Management in Manufacturing

Technical Asset Management in Manufacturing

Our  Asset Performance  solutions span multiple industries but during the first quarter of 2023 we have seen an increased demand for us to provide solutions in the manufacturing and production industry.

Production Line

Technical Asset Management - Manufacturing

For many, technical asset management concerns the entire asset lifecycle of mechanical and electrical building services assets within the customer’s buildings.

IWS  Asset Performance  are now working with a broad range of manufacturing and production clients to take this a step further to include production lines, critical components, and the plant buildings themselves. It includes making decisions about asset use, asset investment and divestment policies, and managing the production assets as a specific element and not just focussing on the building services elements.

This approach by our manufacturing clients provides them with a competitive advantage in that they can use the output data from our surveys to tailor their production specific maintenance regimes whilst also predicting the likelihood of failure for their critical components where the consequential failure would impact their operations.

Manufacturing Plant

Technical Asset Management - Drive Business Growth

Furthermore, manufacturing clients that embrace this approach to production specific asset management gain insight into asset usage, condition, and lifecycle that allows them to optimise operational efficiency and drive business growth.

If you are interested in learning more about our approach to technical asset management,  get in touch  via  assets@weareiws.com


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